Registration details coming soon


The registration fee includes 4-nights stay with all breakfast, lunch and dinner and access to all talks and poster sessions. Invited speakers do not have to pay a fee.

Academia full:  XXX GBP

Early career researcher (PhD student / postdoc):  XXX GBP

Industry: XXX GBP

Registration deadline: XX.XX.2023

Abstract Submission

We encourage all participants to submit abstracts about their work for poster presentation (max. one page, Arial 12pt, incl. 1 figure).
8 abstracts will be selected by the Organisation Committee for oral presentations. The best posters will be awarded with poster prizes. A conference booklet containing all abstracts will be available online for participants during the conference.

Abstract submission deadline: 10.06.2021

Confirmation and Payment

Registration will be on a first-come first-served basis. Your place can only be confirmed after payment of the registration fee.